*St. John's University has had a few major incidents with individuals commiting crimes while on campus. The number of burglary
offenses at 30, the number of drug offenses at 30 and liquor violations at almost 300. [http://www.stjohns.edu/campus/handbook/chapter8/appendix/queens.stj].
According to Frank Padavan, State Senator of New York, St. John's has had over the last three years, “there have been
735 liquor-law violations, 106 drug-law violations, 84 burglaries, four forcible sex offenses and one arson” on the
campus. [http://www.queenscourier.com/articles/2007/11/08/news/news02.txt] * The St. John's cafeteria failed food inspections
given by the New York City Department of Health and Hygiene on a number of occasions. [].
Out of a total possible score of 175 with 28 points needed to pass, one cafeteria failed, while none was over 36 points [].