We are here to "amuse not confuse". This is strictly a "criticism" site. The concept of "fair use" allows the public to
make limited uses of otherwise trademarked names or material. Congress codified the judicially created "fair use doctrine"
into the Copyright Act of 1976. In the act, "criticism" is the first in a short list of uses that Congress specifically noted
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stjohnssucks.tripod.com is in no way associated with the St. John's University. We are not affiliated, sponsored
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We have no intention to "tarnish" any trademark (specifically those belonging to St. John's University). Thus we do our
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All posts on the message board, visitor submitted lists, articles and any other portion of the website including external
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All posts and content on the linked message board are NOT supported by this site. Opinions expressed on the message board
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We do our best to censor offense language or "off color" remarks, message board posts, and literature. If there is something
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If you feel or know that any law is being violated, find legal innacuracies within this disclaimer, or if you are offended
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Regarding Participation on message board and other visitor submission portions of website-
Terms of Use:
on this website forbids infringement upon any copyright or trademark. Participants are also held legally liable for defamatory
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Submissions to the "Professors Who Suck", "Courses That Suck", and other similar segments appear "as is", we do not edit
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comments made.
Revised Policy (as of January 31, 2001) Re: Message Board
Those who can not adhere to these standards will have
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If need be: we reserve the right, with warning, to report a repeat violating I.P. address to St. John's University Administration.
If it is found that the I.P. belongs to an on campus, or a St. John's University dialup account the offender may be held liable
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university we recommend you research the rights of your internet account if you plan to continue violating our code.
Please note: stjohnssucks.tripod.com and its message board are in no way affiliated or associated with St. John's University,
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Advice for those posting to message board:
(The following advice is not legal advice, it does not grant you any
form of protection, and we take no liability over the advice. It is strictly a general guideline to consider before posting
a message or submitting an opinion):
If you're going to publish something yourself, you've got to make sure it's true. Opinions, however, are another matter.
If you don't say something that is verifiable as true or false -- (ie: "that that guy has his head up his butt") -- it's not
defamatory because nobody can prove whether it's true or false. It's an opinion. An opinion is welcome, but we cannot accept